
“Legend of Korra” Book 4 Trailer; Watch Episodes Online, Nicktoons & TeenNick

Nickelodeon released the trailer for the final book of The Legend of Korra on Friday:

The Legend of Korra Book 4Before Book 4 premieres on this coming Friday, October 4, you can watch Books 1-3 (all 39 episodes) online at right now.

In addition, repeats starting at Book 1 will begin tomorrow on Nicktoons, airing weekdays at 8am and late-Sunday nights from 1-3am. TeenNick will also get in on the Korra action with Book 1 episodes airing Saturday and Sunday nights from 11pm-midnight (all times for both channels are Eastern).

Book 3 episodes are still making their debuts on Nicktoons Monday-Thursday nights at 8pm. The final episodes from the book will air Oct. 6-9 and will be their official television premieres (since they premiered online only).