
“Legend of Korra” Book 3 Comes to Nicktoons; DVD & Blu-ray Announced

Legend of Korra Book 3 Change CoverUPDATED 9/22: For whatever reason, Nicktoons pushed the rollout of Korra Book 3 by a week. It starts tonight 9/22 at 8pm ET.

The ill-fated rollout of The Legend of Korra’s third book has finally passed, with all 13 episodes released online at However, five of the episodes went unaired on television. That will be resolved when Book 3 “Change” comes to Nicktoons this month.

The Legend of Korra’s third book will make its Nicktoons premiere starting Monday, September 22 airing Monday-Thursday nights at 8pm (ET). The five episodes that were pulled from Nickelodeon (but premiered online) will make their television debuts during this event as well.

Nick has also announced a release date for Korra’s Book 3 on Blu-ray and DVD. reports that each set will contain all 13 episodes along with extras including audio commentary.