
Nickelodeon Schedules Week of “FRED: The Show” Premieres After Third Movie

After the premiere of the third Fred movie this Saturday, Nickelodeon will premiere six all new episodes of FRED: The Show next Monday through Friday at 6 p.m. ET/PT.

Each episode of the show is 11-minutes long, with a single episode airing Monday-Thursday and a special two-part episode on Friday. The week’s episodes are:

  • Monday, July 30 at 6:00 p.m. ET/PT – “Fred Gets a Pet

Fred’s new pet, the common housefly “Flapper,” goes missing, so Fred offers a reward. Kevin claims it, but reveals that Flapper is dead. Fred organizes a tribute service, but has Flapper returned?

  • Tuesday, July 31 at 6:00 p.m. ET/PT – “A Visit From Grandma

Fred has been put in charge of watching Grandma while his mom sets up for her surprise birthday party, however in true Fred fashion he gets distracted and loses her. Not wanting to reveal that Grandma is missing Fred dresses up as her and attends the party while trying to track down the real Grandma.

  • Wednesday, August 1 at 6:00 p.m. ET/PT – “Fred Gets Trapped

Fred asks Holly to look through old photos in his basement so she can advise on his haircut for class picture day. Once a decision has been made the kids discover they’ve gotten trapped in the basement and Fred goes to extremes trying to survive.

  • Thursday, August 2 at 6:00 p.m. ET/PT – “Spirit of the 90’s

Fred’s school is having a 1990’s-themed dance and Fred is concerned about attending since he doesn’t know anything about the 90’s. In an “Inception”-like dream Fred goes back to the 1990’s and with the help of “Kevin Ice” and “Grunge Fred” learns about this iconic decade.

  • Friday, August 3 at 6:00 p.m. ET/PT – “Freddy and The Figglettes, Part 1

Cassandra Grey, a famous music producer, comes to Fred’s school looking to discover the next pop star. Starr auditions for Cassandra, but when Fred accidently sings along Cassandra signs him on the spot and promises to make him his own music video. However Cassandra has ulterior motives. She plans to embarrass Fred by producing a terrible video so people will forget about her and her recent music video which became the laughing stock of the internet.

  • Friday, August 3 at 6:15 p.m. ET/PT – “Freddy and The Figglettes, Part 2

Fred’s video “Do the Figgle Wiggle” becomes a viral hit because the video is so bad, but Fred doesn’t see it that way and lets the success go to his head. Only after watching the video does Fred realize people are laughing at him, not with him and he decides he must change his ways and make amends with Starr.

As a reminder, FRED 3: Camp Fred premieres this Saturday at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Nickelodeon. The movie will encore Sunday at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. ET/PT.